Paintings by Rocio Nell, M.D.

Rocio Nell was born in Portugal, relocating to the United States in 1972 to pursue studies in psychiatry and psychoanalysis. Always interested in drawing and the arts, she discovered the magic of oils in 1972 after graduating from medical school in Seville, Spain. She spent a year painting still life's, fascinated with the textures, shapes and the processes of painting.

After completing her formal training in Psychiatry, she settled in the United States, intent on practicing psychiatry as a service to the public patient. Painting became an attraction to help keep her own sanity and give form to the memories and longing of her homeland. Painting steadily since 1980, she gradually developed a style of her own, expanding her work to many subjects, but with a preference for the bright scenes of Mediterranean countries.

Painting became a source of enrichment as an individual and professional integrating her two main areas of interest into one. Therapy interventions are filled with symbolism of what has been learned through the process of painting. Artwork represents symbolism of reflections of thinking as a psychiatrist that is discovered afterwards and frequently expressed in "thoughts" that accompany some painting, Roccio Nell was able to tap into her creativity and develop further as an individual and a physician.


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